soooooo, the new website that i mentioned below? just didn't work out the way i wanted it to. it loads SUPER SLOWLY (if at all), and i can't add it to my google reader. so i'm coming back to blogger! i plan to add posts for my daily pics for the month of august, which completed my project365. i would also like to do some retrospectives on my year of photos, but i don't know when that will happen...
because i am planning a new photo project for 2009: project52! a year's worth of weekly photos this time, instead of daily. some weeks will probably have more than one photo. maybe i will try to have my photos really reflect what i did each week, rather than just random things around me. we'll see. i plan to launch project52 at the start of 2009, so please come back soon!
and do check back for my last month of project365 posts. :)