A most unusual week.
1. We have reached an agreement to buy the previously mentioned condo! Contracts pending. But very exciting all the same.
2. I fainted. Late Saturday night, I fell asleep on the couch watching tv. Sean woke me up so we could go to bed. We headed to the kitchen first to put away the dinner leftovers and the dishes. I was putting the leftovers into a container when I started to feel not-very-well. I told Sean, "I don't feel so well." He was washing dishes next to me. Then I guess I said, "I think I'm going to pass out." And then I did. Went completely out, fell flat on my back on the kitchen floor and banged my head pretty good. I was only out for a second but it scared the crap out of both of us. I guess the transition from sleeping on the couch to putting away leftovers was just too much for my poor lil brain. Felt ok the next morning except for a stiff neck. Whiplash, maybe?
3. I just can't get on board with daylight saving time beginning in MARCH. When we had like 9 inches of snow a week ago. It's just not right.
4. Zoe got a bath and nail trim. See pictorial essay below, featuring the lovely purple bow she received.
5. I am off to VA/WV for the weekend for Jaime's bridal shower!