Tuesday, April 7

week twelve

It seems I have fallen a few weeks behind in my posting! Oops! I have been taking pics though, so no worries. Week twelve I took Zoebean to the vet. She had a strange growth/owie on her right elbow that was concerning me. The vet gave us some antibiotics for Zoe to take for the next few days. She also suggested we put a tshirt on Zoe to help cover the elbow so it wouldn't get irritated. (The elbow is very difficult to bandage; the bandages pretty much just fall off.) So I took a pair of scissors to one of Sean's old tshirts to modify it for Zoe. It sort of looks like a bolero jacket. Marisa suggested we call this BOLERO BEANS! I thought it turned out pretty cute but Zoe wasn't a big fan. So in the end we didn't make her wear it too often.



That look on her face in the second pic says it all, doesn't it?!

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