Thursday, October 6


Today I came across a funny new word: dymanics.

I think this was just a typo for "dynamics", but I took advantage of the opportunity to have a little contest to come up with the best definition of the new word "dymanics".

Here are the entries so far, from me and my fellow word nerds here at work (thanks, ladies!).

  1. the process in which a woman attempts to incite change, growth, or activity in her husband or boyfriend. [mh]
  2. the process by which women try to off males who are too hyper to sit down and have a conversation. [tm]
  3. the process in which a woman colors her hair in a frenzy to make herself into a "new person" after an argument or breakup with her significant other. Usually accompanied by thoughts of "He wasn’t good enough for me anyway," and "I don’t really know why I’m doing this; I’m already so good-looking," and "I hope my hair turns out as glossy and beautiful as the woman’s on the package." [jb]
  4. the study of dymans (whatever they are). [dm]
    • Dymans are a girl's best friend. (It's OK, go ahead and groan.) [mh]
    • Dymans are little-known fundamental particles. [ab]
    • Dymans are the nifty synthetic gemstones of tomorrow. [ab]
  5. a posthumously published sequel to 'Dianetics'. [dm]
  6. an exclamation uttered when one is forced to watch two hours of 'Animaniacs' on a Saturday morning. (I babysat last weekend.) [ik]
Suggest your own definitions or vote for your favorite by posting a comment!


  1. What you yell to the protestors in DC who feel the need to bring attention to their crusade by being general morons and totally disrupting traffic [IMF/World Bank, Anti-War, Pro-War, Million Mom Anything, etc.]

  2. that being said, I vote for "dymans are a girl's best friend" hee, hee

  3. dynmanics (noun) -- the slang used by women in beauty salons; see also ebonics.
    On a related note, I recently mistyped "" as "" which somewhat surprisingly is also an online dictionary site. That cracks me up.

  4. I would think that the people who spell it "dictonary" are more in need of it than others. It must be an outreach thing!
