So maybe a weekly review will force me to update my blog more often. We'll see.
Major happenings this week: snow (!6-8 inches yesterday!) and fun with HD. A few weeks ago we charged into the 21st century and got a new LCD flat panel TV. Then of course we decided to upgrade from regular DirecTV to HD. And while we're at it, let's also join the DVR nation. So we ordered a new HD receiver from DirecTV with DVR built in. It arrived last weekend. Our installation instructions were as follows: Unplug the cable from the regular satellite into the HD satellite. Sounds easy right? One problem: there's no place to plug the cable into the HD satellite. No splitter.
So off I go to Radio Shack to purchase one, plus an HDMI cable to connect the new receiver to the new TV. After convincing the Radio Shack employee to take a short break from his very intense and very personal cell phone call, I figure out which splitter to buy and go on my merry way. Sean climbs up on the roof and hooks all this up. It seems to be working. Yay!
But it's not working quite right. It keeps getting hung up searching for satellite signals. So we call up DirecTV and spend inordinate amounts of time chatting with them, only to discover that (shockingly) the splitter we got doesn't work for HD and we should use the one they installed when they put up the HD satellite. Fine, except that they DIDN'T install one when they put up the HD satellite. Fun. So now we need a service call, and in the meantime, we are back to regular satellite. Poo.
(There's more to this story, but it's not that interesting.)
I saw another person on the subway a week or so ago that I wish I could have taken a picture of. The day before Valentine's Day, I left work early to go home and wait for the UPS guy. Sitting across from me on the subway is a guy, maybe around 30, wearing a wedding band, holding a dozen roses wrapped in paper, and dabbing at a split bloody lip with a balled-up napkin. Would love to know the story behind that one.
He joins two other subway riders I was itching to photograph (both of which I saw ages ago). First, a very large woman wearing a tight, low-cut top, who had stored her cell phone between her boobs. And second, an old guy nodding off in his seat, wearing a ball cap that said "Honk if you think I'm sexy".