Wednesday, January 31

An open letter to rosemary

Dear Rosemary,

You're great. You look great, and you smell incredible. You lend a tangy, earthy flavor to many wonderful dishes. I like you, I really do. BUT. (You knew there had to be a but, right?) Please stay out of my food. It's just... it's your needles. I feel like I'm chewing on a Christmas tree. They are sharp and get stuck between my teeth, causing pain and aggravation. So in the future, if you could just infuse my food with your delectable flavor, and then leave, rather than hanging around impaling yourself in my gums, I would really appreciate it.

Your friend,


  1. Maybe you should use fresh rosemary instead of the dried stuff.
    Oh - and rawk to you ... whatever that is!

  2. Meh!
    Its not easy being green, you know.

  3. ps-
    i miss the "thank you, come again!" goodbye greeting. i dig the other changes, tho.
    (including space invaders!)

  4. Please note: *I* didn't use it at all. It just keeps showing up in my food. It was sprinkled all over the top of my sandwich roll from the deli. Not sure whether it was dried or fresh, but I have had both, with similar results.

  5. Oh, and rawk = rock. As in, rock on! RAWK!

  6. i just thought you had misspelled RUOK!

  7. y'know ... ruok
    as in, are you okay... r.u.o.k. ... roo-ock

  8. YAY me! Marisa didn't have to explain her rawk to me. But, I gotta admit, I thought your rawk was what a crow said. Sort of thought there might be some sort of literary symmetry goin' with the dead pigeon and crows who raw.

    Oh well, don't mind me. I don't get out much!

  9. Marisa just wanted to type "roo". She's been hanging out with those husky dogs too much.

  10. well, akshullie...
    i did almost suggest that ruok could the cry of a hybrid husky/crow creature.
    but i decided not to.

    ...oops, i just did.

  11. Really the only thing to be scared of with rosemary is if she starts having babies...
