Thursday, January 11

Pop quiz!

(Ha, I originally mistyped this post title as "Popo quiz"! Now that would be something else, wouldn't it??)

When was the last time you went to the bathroom outside?
Probably the last time I went camping. That would have been... maybe... 2002? (Help me out here, Marisa, when did we take the dogs rock climbing on the AT?)

Which family member do you most resemble?
My mom.

When was the last time you tripped and fell?
A few weeks ago. *sigh*

What are you listening to right now?
Keyboard jockeying.

Which would you rather do: rake the leaves, or mow the lawn?
Probably mow.

What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
Songs from iTunes.

When was the last time you swam in a pool?
Wow, when we were in the Dominican Republic... maybe 2004? I am terrible with dates.

Have you ever been in a school play?
Does grade school count? If so, then yes. If not, then no.

How many kids do you want?
0. As in zero. None.

Which type of music you dislike most?

Are you registered to vote?

Do you have cable?

Have you ever prank called anybody?

What's your favorite comic strip?
Calvin & Hobbes.

Bath or shower?
Shower. We don't even have a bathtub.

Best movie you've seen in the past two weeks?
Clerks 2, but that was about a month ago.

Best pizza topping?

Peanuts or popcorn?
Popcorn, but I like both.

Ever order anything from an infomercial?

Sprite or 7-Up?
There's a difference?

Ever had to wear a uniform to work/school?

Ever thrown up in public?
Oh yeah.

Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love?
I already found true love, so SHOW ME THE MONEY.

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Not really.

What do you think about most?
My family and friends.


Name something purple within 5 feet of you:
My water bottle.

What is the sexiest item of clothing you own?
According to whom?

Is your hair long enough to chew on?

What's your least favorite color?

Did you have a good weekend?
Indeed I did.

How is today going for you?
Oh, not too bad. How about you?

Do you have any plans for tonight?
Make dinner and watch "Little Miss Sunshine" on DVD.

Have you ever photographed something that was dead?
Actually, I have. A pigeon smashed on the subway tracks. I will see if I can't find that pic and post it.

Name your most recent purchase:
Mundane: groceries. Fun: iPod.


  1. That Zoe is some piece o' work. Lucky she's got her mommy and daddy to help keep her on track! =)

  2. coolness! time for me to take something from your blog! happy MLKJr day. enjoy the day off!

  3. "Ever thrown up in public?
    Oh yeah."

    Heh. Is your world wide ban from Popeye's still in effect?

  4. ps - i no wanna see the "popo quiz" results.

  5. Dave - as far as I know it is. I haven't attempted entry recently, though.
