Thursday, January 18

Pop quiz follow-up

Here's the dead pigeon pic I mentioned in my last post. Gross, huh? I know you feel better now that I've shared this.


  1. Ewww! It was gross enough in the tiny pic. But I, ever the glutton for punishment, actually clicked on it to see the full size shot in all its glory.
    I can't believe you took a picture of that!

  2. Actually, I took TWO pictures of that! But I only posted one. Because they are pretty similar.

  3. y'know ... the more i think about it, my favorite pigeon is a dead pigeon. so kudos to ya.

  4. why won't pac-mac show my high score?

  5. I'm not sure, but the high scores weren't working for Zoe or me either. Sorry. :(

  6. Did the pigeon die from eating genetically engineered crops? ;-)

  7. haha.
    dave is funny.
    whose score was higher - monica's or zoe's?

  8. Monica's, of course. Yes, Dave is funny, but you shouldn't judge a book by its cover. And it looks to me like the pigeon died from something somewhat more violent than eating genetically engineered crops. (Good one, though.)

  9. I think it is grossly unfair that I was forced to view a full screen photo of a dead pigeon because the small photo had a huge red X in the middle of the frame. EW!

  10. Do you remember playing PacMan on our Atari? I now remember how much I hated that game. I can't win it. I'm much better at Space Invaders.

  11. OK, when I switch out my game in a week or so, I will put in Space Invaders just for you. :)

    And who forced you to view the pigeon pic full screen?? I think there was ample warning that the photo was gross. Just couldn't help yourself, could you?
