Sunday, January 4

lumper or splitter?

this is basically a programming note of sorts.

you may (or may not) recall that i had three different blogs last year: a run-of-the-mill blog, a photo blog, and a blog dedicated to my various craft projects. this is because i like to have a place for everything and everything in its place, so i figured i should have different blog places for each of my blog interests. recently, though, i realized there is no reason why my blog interests can't all share the same blog place. so, i've decided to reverse my split decision and lump everything together here. i already imported my former craft-blog posts here, and soon i will be adding my journal-blog posts as well.

lumping and splitting are two different approaches to ecological taxonomy. taxonomy is, in one sense, the grouping of organisms according to their relatedness. relatedness is a continuous variable rather than a discrete variable, however, and there is not always a clear relatedness threshold for demarcating groups of organisms as different or the same. in this sense, taxonomy is somewhat subjective. some ecologists tend to allow a relatively high degree of variation within a taxonomic group, effectively 'lumping' organisms into fewer groups. others draw the group lines more finely, 'splitting' organisms into more groups.

i find the concepts of lumping vs splitting to be applicable to many types of organization, not just taxonomy. not surprisingly, i walk the line between lumping and splitting, as evidenced by my change of heart regarding my blog organization. what about you: are you a lumper or a splitter?


  1. What an odd and highly appropriate question! Hmmm. I'll have to go with splitter: personal life/work life/social life/private time, all neatly organized into separate sub-species. That's not to say that I don't enjoy the occasional lumping as well, but I just think I divide things more than I glue them. Now what does that say about MOI!?

  2. p.s. YAY on the lumping however, I was getting too confused and lost between the 3/4 zoe blogs!

  3. I like to have 3-5 subdivisions. So whether I lump more or split more is relative to how diverse my population-to-be-subdivided is.

  4. very interesting, both of you! you guys are like my biggest blog fans! yay! :)

  5. Biggest blog NERDS is more like it!! (sorry Marisa) =)

  6. oh dude, i'm totally down with being a nerd!
