Sunday, August 19

M minus 12 weeks

WHAT ONLY 12 WEEKS LEFT??!?! holy crap.

switched a few things around this week to allow for a longer-than-called-for long run on sunday, for my second organized long training run. schedule called for 14 but because of the course, 16 works better. so i moved 2 miles from saturday to sunday.

monday - 4mi
tuesday - rest
wednesday - 7mi
thursday - 4mi
friday - rest
saturday - 5mi
sunday - 16mi

mileage this week = 36
mileage this cycle = 190


  1. Go you! The organized runs sound like a great way to get the miles in. Yoga will be there for you when you can fit it in. In the meantime, it's totally OK if time management takes the trump (IMO).
