Wednesday, October 10

October 10: sunset


I know, I know, another sunset. But it's so pretty, I can't help myself.


  1. That's really gorgeous Mon. I love how with the square top of the houses and the colors it reminds me of a Mexican blanket design. Know what I mean?

  2. I like the one lone street light shining just as bright as the waning sun.
    I missed seeing your pics while I was gone! Your blog is the best thing about not being at the beach!

  3. Aw, thanks guys!

    That weird square building keeps showing up in all my sunset pics. I think it looks like the step pyramid at Saqqara.

    Marisa, how was the beach???

  4. beach was WONDERFUL! ... as you will hopefully get a taste of when i upload my pictures tonight.
    (i didn't think it before, but now that you've said something, i *do* agree that the weird building is reminisant of Saqqara.)
