Wednesday, September 21

Brainteaser 2

What happens when we use up this year's list of storm names? This season, we are already up to Rita, leaving only four names: Stan, Tammy, Vince, and Wilma. What do we name the storm after Wilma, if there is one?

It's a little embarrassing to admit this, but I learned the answer from Katie Couric on the Today Show this morning.

If anyone guesses, I'll post the answer later.


  1. And if nobody guesses you won't give us the answer? Seems backwards to me!

  2. Well, yeah. I figure if nobody guesses then nobody is interested, so there's no point in posting the answer. Right?

  3. ps - i couldn't take the suspense. i looked it up online. so don't bother posting the answer for lil ol' me!

  4. Boo! Now I have to just post the answer, which is: we start using the Greek alphabet.

    So the next storm after Wilma, if we get one worthy of naming, will be called alpha. Then beta.

    [Insert your own Revenge of the Nerds joke here.]
