Thursday, September 22

Rave: people who think I am a wolf

So some people in Brooklyn think that I am a wolf, and I think that's cool, because wolves are tough. One time a high school kid saw me and said to his friend, "That dog look like a lil wolf, yo!" That was cool.

Another time when I was taking Sean for a walk, a guy said to Sean, "Nice wolf you got there." That was cool too.

Then last Tuesday, when we were on a pack walk, a little kid saw me and said, "Mom, looka that doggy. I gotta doggy like that right here!" and showed us his book with a wolf on the cover. That was really cool.

So, yeah, I like being a wolf.


  1. sum times peeple think i am a wolf too but i lik it better wen they say i look lik balto or ask my person if i am a snow dog cuz snow dogs get to play out sid a lot and balto got a lot of belly rubs wen he tuk the medicin to the childrin in alaska and there is even a stachoo of him in central park

  2. grrrr... why wont my comment post??? stoopid computer! how do you humans stand working on these things?!

  3. You know, I pulled up your blog again today, and thought to myself, my God... I'm reading a blog written by a wolf...

  4. Justin, you say that like it's a bad thing! :) Thanks for stopping by...
