Thursday, September 29

Model citizen

Whew! Having lived overseas a good portion of my life, and not having any particular affinity for history, I wouldn't bet much on my knowledge of American history. But I am glad to report that I do know enough to qualify for US citizenship! Woohoo!

You Passed the US Citizenship Test

Congratulations - you got 7 out of 10 correct!


  1. Working together, Blake and I were able to score 7/10. But then we went back and redid the test a couple times and increased it to a 5-star 10/10. Blake asked me not to mention his name in the blog circuit, tho. Blake, Blake, Blake.

  2. Blake is very upset that you haven't commented on his comment (rather, my comment that mentions him.) He keeps asking me if you have yet. He's a wanna-be blogger :)

  3. Blake Blake Blake Blake Blake. If Blake wants me to comment, then Blake should start a blog! You can tell Blake I said that. Blake.
