Sunday, September 30

M minus 6 weeks

only 35 days til the marathon! yipes! somehow my weekly count in my post titles is off. i guess i should have started with M minus 17. oh well. this week brought my second 20-miler* which was another group run with VCTC peeps, who are awesome. i am back on track with a tuesday run this week as well. lots of treadmill time, unfortunately. with the shorter days, it's tough for me to get home and out for a run and back before dark.

monday - rest
tuesday - 5mi (treadmill)
wednesday - 8mi (treadmill)
thursday - 5mi (treadmill)
friday - rest
saturday - 5mi
sunday - 20mi*

mileage this week = 43
mileage this cycle = 417

*my garmin actually says 19 miles for this run. i didn't get it started right away (locating satellites...) so that was a minor problem. but i compared with others in my group today and everyone else's gps had 20+ so i'm counting it as a 20-miler.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome! I've also noticed the shorter dogs, and am taking a lot more walks after dark. It's kind of a bummer.
