Wednesday, August 22

August 22: books


I took a lovely photo of one of my hibiscus flowers covered in raindrops today. But I decided I didn't want to double up on hibiscus flowers during my very first week of the project. So I'm going with this one instead: a snippet of one of our bookshelves.


  1. whats in the green and gold dragon box?

  2. Don't you wanna guess? Options:
    a. dog treats
    b. bookmarks
    c. origami paper
    d. mahjong tiles
    e. eye of newt and toe of frog
    f. dust bunnies

  3. well, can't be dog treats, because they're too inaccessible, buried under that other book. zoe would never allow that. i'm pretty sure you keep your eye of newt and toe of frog in the kitchen, and your dust bunnies against the floor boards.
    so between b, c and d, i think i am guessing d, mahjong tiles.

  4. Ah so, well done, grasshopper. You have chosen wisely. :)

  5. i like to combine the different book titles into something that makes me giggle:
    The Good Fairies of New York: The Nasty Bits
    Harry Potter and the Brooklyn Follies
    Origami the Pillars of Hercules (a how-to)
    Eat, Pray, Love: the Wishing Chair Collection

  6. Niiiiiiice! Reminds me of the Dogs of Babel book. Except not sad.
