Wednesday, August 15

Project 365

I am evidently one of the last people on the planet to learn about Project 365, where you take (and post) a picture from your life every day for a year. I find this intriguing and I think I might give it a shot. I often wish I had my camera on me whenever I spot weird, random, beautiful or eye-catching things around me.

In case you are even more out of it than I am and have never heard of this, here is some background on Project 365 from Photojojo and a Flickr group dedicated to the project.


  1. Guess I'm more out of it than you. But I'm intrigued. I love taking photos on the digital camera. Could be a challenge, tho, to take photos for the year I'm over "there!" Might give it a shot anyway.

  2. hahaha ... shot ... very funny. its, like, a triple entendre.
    i think i might try this too.

  3. Yeah, mom is so clever with her comments! Maybe if we all do it, then we can encourage each other. I bet it will get tough to keep taking pictures every single day.

  4. taking the pictures wouldn't be as time-consuming for me as downloading them to the computer every day. but i think i'll give it a try all the same. as soon as i post my katy trail journals. what would you think about a sept. 1st start date?

  5. I might start today... not sure. If I haven't started already, then Sept 1 would be fine for me. Yesterday I set up a new blog to use for it. Now I have three, count 'em, THREE blogs. Hahaha.

  6. Oh, and downloading them doesn't take that much time for me. I have one of those card readers, so I just pop the card out of the camera, stick in the reader, and download. Then I can upload them to Flickr, which is pretty fast, and wah-lah!

    P.S. I know wah-lah is not an actual word.

  7. Oh, also... the way I understand it, you are supposed to take a picture every day, but you don't necessarily have to post them every day. You could download and post them once or twice a week instead, as long as there is one picture for each day. They (not sure who "they" is in this case, but anyway) recommend you download/post at least once a week, otherwise the backlog is too big and it's too time-consuming to deal with it.

    I have now commented on my post more times than anyone else has. Woot!
