Saturday, August 25

August 24: sign


Every time I see this sign across the street from my house, I think, "Curb my dog's what? Enthusiasm?" Heh.

Also, the guy who put up this sign is a crochety old fart, not a yuppie. NEXT TIME I W'ONT SAY PLEASE

At least he can spell, even though the apostrophe seems to befuddle him. So much so that he didn't bother with any other punctuation.

I really can't wait to see what happens "next time".


  1. This is awesome!! I <3 NY!
    (I recently learned that the <3 is really a heart in interweb speak, although it looks more like a butt to me.)
    Oh - and I think Im' going to start inserting random apostrophe's into word's.
    F conventional grammar along with the yuppies! Yeah!
